Career Prep

Most students expect to work after graduating, but you’re preparing for your career shouldn’t start when you graduate. Career planning and preparation is something all students should do throughout their college studies, especially within the last two years.

  • Disclosure: We may receive compensation if you purchase a product through one of the links below. Our editors independently selected each product featured. The GMAT, or Graduate Management Admission Test, is a business school entrance exam that measures your reasoning, critical ... Read More
  • Since the latest version of ChatGPT launched last fall, there has been a lot of discussion about students using AI tools and the potential effects this will have on education. For example, last spring our survey found that students of all ages are replacing some of their tutoring... Read More
  • It’s no secret that Gen Z gets a lot of hate when it comes to the workplace, with colleagues commonly complaining about their lack of motivation, poor productivity, and being easily offended. In fact, our recent survey on grade grubbing (students begging for better grades than ... Read More
  • If you're considering pursuing higher education in the emerging field of artificial intelligence, you've likely heard the phrases artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) used interchangeably. While the two are related, there are key differences that students should... Read More
  • Artificial intelligence may be the most exciting potential career path for individuals who like being on the cutting edge of technology. Major global companies like Microsoft, IBM, and Google parent company Alphabet invest heavily in AI research and development, driving demand fo... Read More
  • Self-driving cars. Delivery drones. Programs that can write everything from cover letters to love songs. Artificial intelligence (AI) is poised to impact many aspects of modern life, and AI engineers drive this innovation. If you're wondering how to become an AI engineer, this... Read More
  • The rapid expansion of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies has the potential to disrupt many aspects of human life, including jobs that are expected to see growth over the next few years. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) predicts that the employment rate for several AI-... Read More
  • GenZ is being called a more sensitive and difficult generation to work with. While many disagree with this and praise GenZ for not wanting to put up with toxic work cultures and championing social justices, others say the generation is woefully unprepared for the workforce. In... Read More
  • It’s been reported that consulting firms are approaching hiring MBA graduates more cautiously this year, and some are even pushing back start dates due to economic concerns. In May, surveyed 1,000 full-time MBA students who are graduating this spring to learn... Read More