Career Prep

Most students expect to work after graduating, but you’re preparing for your career shouldn’t start when you graduate. Career planning and preparation is something all students should do throughout their college studies, especially within the last two years.

  • When writing a resume, the key component job-seekers tend to focus on is their employment history. However, it's also important to craft a compelling introduction for yourself. One way to do this is with a resume objective that details your goals and what value you bring to poten... Read More
  • Higher education is changing, with students questioning the value of a traditional degree or finding that they need to learn new skills to keep up with changing technologies. Many students are turning to online courses (also known as Massive Open Online Courses, or MOOCs) as a co... Read More
  • As the job market evolves, a growing number of companies are eliminating bachelor's degree requirements for certain positions. To learn more about this trend, recently surveyed 750 U.S. business leaders. What we found: 33% of companies eliminated bachel... Read More
  • Regardless of your industry, your job will likely involve some communication, whether it's delivering presentations to clients, writing emails and memos, or navigating interpersonal dynamics with colleagues. The universal need for the ability to communicate effectively in various... Read More
  • Whether you need a personal ethics statement for a college or job application or want to reflect on what values are important to you while considering career paths, creating this type of document can be a beneficial exercise. This article will explore what personal ethics are,... Read More
  • Amid declining enrollment, financial struggles, and pandemic after-effects, colleges in the U.S. are closing in record numbers — some with very little warning or support for currently enrolled students. This doesn't mean that students should forgo college altogether — rese... Read More
  • One key decision job-seekers must make when writing a resume is which resume format to use. All resume formats have merits, and job-seekers usually select the one that best suits their work experience and the type of job they're seeking. The three standard resume formats are: ... Read More
  • Dads are often criticized for their lack of involvement and knowledge about their children's lives. With Father’s Day approaching, in June, sought to find out just how much dads know about their kids' education. We surveyed 408 fathers with at least one schoo... Read More
  • On college campuses throughout the country, many students have taken to pro-Palestine activism, protesting publicly, staying in encampments, and posting on social media. Some have experienced varying consequences -- from scholarships rescinded to being unable to walk at graduatio... Read More